Showcase Brass with Milnrow Band

Hosted by Dobcross Silver Band

Sunday 28 July


Tickets £8

Available from the Band Club

Making a welcome return to Dobcross, one of the oldest and finest local Championship Brass Bands from Yorkshire. We are delighted to welcome back our good friends The Milnrow Band. Sure to be a great afternoon of entertainment.

Coffee Shop

Saturday 3 August

10am to 12 noon

Free entry

Catch up with friends and enjoy the usual array of delicious morning snacks, confectionery and top-quality coffee and tea.

Please bring a donation for our Oldham Food Bank basket. 

Atherton Malone Trophy

Dobcross Bowling Section

Friday 9 August

5pm start 

Players are asked to arrive by 4.45pm.

Entry cost £4 including “Bowl to the Block”.

Open to members and non-members alike. We particularly encourage newer bowlers and non-bowlers to enter. We will provide you with bowls and guidance, should you need it, and give you a generous handicap!


To enter put your name on the entry sheet on the noticeboard in the Games room at the club by close on 4 August. If you can't make the 5pm start there is space on the entry sheet to indicate this, but you do need to arrive by 6pm. 

Pork Pie and Cheese & Onion Pie will be on sale